Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mostly Living

It has been too long since I've updated here, so I am kind of forcing myself to sit down and write something. This time I haven't been updating simply because I can't think of anything worthwhile to say! The past week hasn't been the best ever, I can say that much.

Last Saturday was enjoyable, as it was my host father's birthday party. It was held at the house and lots of family friends attended. It was interesting to meet their friends and whatnot. About an hour into the party Hiroki disappeared and didn't come back until long after it had finished haha. Seems to be normal for him these days, he hasn't been around much at all.

As seems customary at Japanese parties, much alcohol was consumed by all in attendance. I was greeted with a new bottle of beer everytime I finished one off, without even requesting it! By the end of the night people had drunk too much to drive home and plenty of taxis were called.

This week has been fairly dull. I took Wednesday off school because I was feeling mentally and physically exhausted. I really felt like I needed a day to just relax and lounge about, and it did help. In PE on Thursday we played Volleyball (Which I am pathetic at, still) and it left me with bruises all over my arms and hands. What I found funny is that on Friday half the class turned up to school with bandages on their hands, apparently Volleyball is hard work!

Today was spent at home, since I have a splitting headache. I watched some movies to get away from the Japanese overload and here I am updating this blog! Earlier today I was sitting in my room and I heard my name being called repeatedly from out on the street. Surprising to say the least, but it turns out some of my friends from school were outside my house screaming out my name haha. They were nearby so they dropped by to say hi, which was nice of them.

Tomorrow I plan to go out shopping and hopefully see Pirates of the Caribbean! I'm going to force myself to wake up early so I follow this plan through.


Anonymous said...

Haha-maybe you need to bandage your hands BEFORE you play the volleyball!?

Pirates should be good, you must be one of 3 people in the world who haven't seen it yet...the other 2 are me & Bryan =)

Hope the headache has subsided...still have some Aussie Panadol?
Some days you just need a "bex & a good lie down"!!

Have fun shopping tomorrow! :)


Anonymous said...

I totally understand the being exhausted thing. I took a day off last week too, just to do nothing. I don't know why Japanese life is so gosh.damn.tiring... Maybe its all the travelling, or the contanst translating of language.. But whatever, we should be used to it by now!

Anonymous said...

